
"Electrochemistry" - an interdisciplinary field of Science has interfaces with many areas of science, viz. Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Physics, Materials Science, Metallurgy, Electrical & Electronics Engineering and Biological Sciences. Emerging areas such as Nanotechnology and Bio-technology also require vital inputs from Electrochemistry.

In order to take stock of the recent developments in the area of Electrochemical Science and Technology, Society for Advancement of Electrochemical Science & Technology (SAEST), Karaikudi, CSIR-Central Electrochemical Research Institute, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, India and CSIR-National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science & Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India are organizing the 13th International Symposium on Electrochemical Science and Technology (iSAEST-13) at Uday Samudra, Leisure Beach Hotel, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India during January 8-10, 2025.

A pre-conference one-day workshop to benefit the research scholars with the special and pedagogical type of lectures by experts in the field of fundamental and applied electrochemistry is also planned to be held on January 7, 2025.

The Symposium will provide a forum for Electrochemists, Technologists, Academicians and Researchers working in interdisciplinary areas of electrochemistry from all over the world to meet and exchange their knowledge and research experience

SAEST, CECRI & NIIST invite Students, Research Scholars, Scientists, Academicians and Industrialists across the globe to participate in the Symposium and make it a memorable event.

Call for Papers

Technical papers in the following sessions and allied aspects will be considered for presentation in the Symposium as oral/poster sessions:



iSAEST-13 invites abstracts from students, researchers, academia and industry participants for presentation during the Symposium. Those desirous of contributing papers are requested to submit the abstracts through online at https://saest.com/ (or) https://isaest13.saest.com/ (maximum 300 words, two figures and one table). Online abstract submission should be made on or before November 01, 2024. Accepted papers will be presented in oral/poster sessions during the symposium.

Publication in special issue: Full paper of the selected abstracts (invited talk/oral presentation/poster presentation) will be invited for a special issue in the following journals after peer review:

Batteries and Supercaps
Visit Journal
Visit Journal
Advanced Sustainable Systems
Visit Journal

Important Dates

Last date for abstract submission : Nov. 15, 2024
Acceptance notification to author(s) : Nov. 20, 2024
Last date for Payment : Nov. 30, 2024


To encourage young researchers, Best Oral/Poster Awards for the outstanding presentation will be awarded in the conference with cash prize with certificates.

Best Oral and Poster Award

Sponsored by RSC (Royal Society of Chemistry)

Best Oral Award Sponsor Logo


Registration fee is mandatory for all participants. Registration fee includes participants attendance to the technical session/present oral/poster paper, lunch for three days, dinner for two days and conference kit. The registration fee and sponsorship charge may be paid through online (RTGS) to Treasurer & Secretary, SAEST, Indian Bank, A.C. Campus Branch, Karaikudi, A/c. No. 530826817, IFSC Code: IDIB000A008 on or before Nov 30, 2024.

iSAEST-13 Registration
(deadline: Nov 30, 2024)
Pre-Conference Workshop & iSAEST-13 (Combo)
(deadline: Nov 30, 2024)
Delegates (Academic/R&D Institution) 300 10,000 12,000
Delegates (Industry) 400 14,000 18,000
SAEST LF/LA Member - 9,000 11,000
Student Researcher 200 6,000 8,000
SAEST Student Member - 5,400 7,000
Accompanying Spouse 150 6,000 -


Delegates are requested to contact the hotel directly well in advance further accommodation requirements at https://www.udshotels.com/

Accommodation for scholars will be arranged in ATF Guest house, VSSC, Thiruvananthapuram on twin sharing basis. The accommodation charge for one person is Rs.1000/- day. Request may be sent to Dr. Sundar Mayavan (sundarmayavan@gmail.com) on (or) before December 16, 2024. As only limited rooms are available, preference will be given to first come first served basis.

About Kovalam

Kovalam is a small coastal town in the southern Indian state of Kerala, south of Thiruvananthapuram. At the southern end of Lighthouse Beach is a striped lighthouse with a viewing platform. Palm-backed beaches also include Hawa Beach and Samudra Beach. Heading south, Vizhinjam Juma Masjid mosque overlooks the busy fishing harbor, Inland, Sagarika Marine Research Aquarium diplays technology used in pearl production.

Places to visit
